Musella lasiocarpa

(4 customer reviews)


Musella lasiocarpa the fabulous ‘Golden Lotus Banana’  from Yunnan in China is a beautiful compact growing banana. Now rare in the wild due to deforestation and farming it is surely a must have for a jungle style garden with large upright paddle shaped leaves held on a study stem . Once mature the largest stem will produce offsets a sign that it is nearing flowering time when masses of stunning bright yellow flowers are produced often lasting for up to six months. Happy in full sun to part shade ideally in moist fertile free draining soil. A good choice if space is tight as Musella lasiocarpa usually remains compact rarely growing more than 150cm high. Almost hardy but best given some winter protection to protect it from freezing.

**To assist with shipping plants may be cut back, this does not harm the plant in any way**

Eventual Plant Size

Please note all images are for illustrative purposes only, depending on the season or time of year the plant you receive may be different than pictured.